Frequently Asked Questions

Q = Where does ‘My Learner ID’ fit in the curriculum?


A = ‘My Learner ID’ fits within each child’s assessment record and fulfils ‘the double duty of assessment’ (Boud, 2015). Assessment should be more than a STen score – it should lead the learner on in their learning. ‘My Learner ID’ nurtures the ‘Who’ and ‘How’ of learning. It tracks the voice of the learner in becoming and being a learner and it teaches learners effective skills for learning/’how to learn’.
Part 1 of ‘My Learner ID’ is integrated with the existing curriculum. Part 2 introduces a new yearly plan to nurture the development of learner dispositions – ‘My Learning Ways’. Thirty minutes across thirty weeks is needed to deliver Part 2 of the programme.


Q= How do I implement ‘My Learner ID’?


A = The Teacher Guide and Resources contain detailed curricular links for each page in Part 1 of each Pupil Learner ID. Part 2 in each Guide offers a detailed yearly implementation plan for each week across the 30 weeks. There are Teacher Implementation Videos for each Pupil Book. Links to videos are in the Teacher Guide. You may also consider online training or workshop training which will be held in Education Centres on request.


Q = Does this programme mean more work for teachers?


A = I think the programme fulfils many objectives for you.  ‘My Learner ID’ supports numerous Statements of ‘Highly Effective Practice’ from the SSE framework. It allows you track learner voice; track the process of your pupils becoming and being learners; scaffolds your practice in assessment for learning and assessment as learning; promotes authentic assessment; balances ‘hard’ data with a chronicle of the skills in learning your pupils are acquiring overtime and supports learner wellbeing. It is also an inclusive programme – for all learners- with additional resources for special education teachers to use for reinforcement and consolidation. Finally and perhaps most importantly, it is FUN! More than 9 out of 10 pupils (from a study of 600 pupils, Gleasure, 2018) reported they enjoyed ‘My Learner ID’, would like to continue with its use next year and that the programme helped them with their learning.