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My Learner ID

The Rationale

[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”60″][vc_column_text]Having worked for many years in different roles including classroom teacher, shared ‘remedial’ teacher, educational psychologist and teacher educator, the most common recurring question I have been asked over the years is how to help learners. ‘Learner Identity’ is a unique new publication which has been designed in partnership with parents and teachers to help children help themselves in becoming learners. Learner Identity is defined as a functional identity for educational contexts (Coll & Falsafi, 2010). It contains, connects and enables reflection over the emotional and cognitive processes of the experience of becoming and being a learner.

This unique publication, Learner Identity (Learner ID) specifically strives to teach learners how to learn better and more effectively. The publication for each year group from preschool through to sixth class fulfils the following functions: records the learner voice and prompts learner responsibility; nurtures learner efficacy and the development of learner dispositions and growth mindsets; invites parental partnership and scaffolds school self -evaluation and formative assessment methodologies. It also provides an invaluable chronicle and repository of the student school experience over time which enables each learner’s ‘story’ about becoming a learner to be tracked over time.

‘Learner Identity’ is all about balance and alignment – balancing a ‘one size fits all curriculum’ and ‘hard’ data; standardised test scores and report cards with an awareness of the ‘who’ and ‘how’ of learning and aligning classroom practice to reflect the centrality of the learner. For decades, educators and policy makers have focused on teachers teaching effectively. This publication explores how learners can learn more effectively and supports in excess of 40 ‘Statements of Highly Effective Practice’ in ‘LOOKING AT OUR SCHOOL 2016 – A Quality Framework for Primary Schools’. Couched within Personal Construct Psychology, Learner Identity is designed specifically to promote awareness of how children learn, self-recognition of learner strengths and the realisation and development of learner dispositions.

Learner Identity unquestionably lies at the heart of learner well-being, school self-evaluation, school ethos, assessment and classroom practice and encapsulates the central goal of the educative process.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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