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‘My Learner ID’ for Teachers

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  • Offers a framework to track the voice of the learner over the school years

  • Promotes learner well-being, voice of the learner, learner responsibility and learner efficacy

  • Balances the Report Card with a rich picture of the child’s understanding of themselves as learner

  • Anchors all Learner Support Files by providing a holistic overview of the learner

  • Supports 43 Statements of Highly Effective Practice in the new framework for school self-evaluation:’ Looking At My School’(DES,2016)

  • Scaffolds teachers’ practices in embracing formative assessment techniques

  • Provides teachers with an accurate record of the learners perspectives about themselves

  • Allows teachers triangulate data from several sources to provide ‘rich picture’ of learner

  • Invites parental partnership in supporting children to learn ‘how to learn’ and to evolve as learners

  • Provides essential insight on learners to  substitute teachers, para-professionals and for use at transition points

  • Promotes lifelong learning and habits of mind


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